Sisters in Crime’s Chair of Communications, Sara Hood, is standing down to travel the world (a gap year she reckons), so we have taken the opportunity to re-think our structure and press-gang (!) more people into our team. Please welcome:

Ani Allbutt, who joins as the new Chair, Communications. Ani has an extensive international marketing career including working with the member-based Australia Chamber of Commerce Shanghai China in comms.
Ani loves a good yarn and having fun, is an avid media-news-current affairs reader, loves sailing catamarans, and looking forward to reading and learning lots about the best Australian woman crime and mystery writers.
She is now back in Australia and we are delighted to welcome her as a new national convenor. Ani can be contacted on email.

Gill Thomas, who joins in the new role of Administration and Membership Manager. Gill has worked in many fields from photography to administration. Newly retired, she joins the team to keep us all organised and be the first point of call for member and State convenor enquiries. Gill is a joint convenor of a FB Writers group that is a flow-on from several writing courses she has done at the Australian Writers’ Centre. She is also a member of Writers Victoria and the Australian Crime Writers Association.
We are also delighted that Gill can join the team and she can be found here.
More information about both of these new people can be found on our convenors page
Seeking graphic design support
We are also looking for someone to help with graphic design. Could that be you? We use Canva for most of our work and any event needs to have a design created and then made into multiple sizes for the website, social media, A Stab in the Dark, and YouTube. Yes, it’s a volunteer role. If you’re interested, please contact Carmel. You would be a lifesaver!
This review was timely because Sisters now has an incredible 590 members and 3440 supporters. We need more help to look after you all! Hence the new roles for admin and membership, and graphic design.